The Link component looks the same as the Button component and the only difference is that the underlying HTML is an anchor tag.
The basic Link comes in three main variants, each of them with a specific intent in mind. It also support a "disabled" variant, for cases where the button is not actionable.
<Row gap="large" align="center" padding="large" justify="center">
<Link label="Positive" color="positive" href="/" />
<Link label="Primary" color="primary" href="/" />
<Link label="Negative" color="negative" href="/" />
<Link label="Disabled" color="positive" disabled href="/" />
<Link label="Dark" color="dark" href="/" />
<Link label="Light" color="light" href="/" />
The bare Link variants fulfill the same function than the basic counterparts but have a lighter style that can be more easily integrated in complex components.
<Row gap="large" align="center" padding="large" justify="center">
<Link bare label="Positive" color="positive" href="/" />
<Link bare label="Primary" color="primary" href="/" />
<Link bare label="Negative" color="negative" href="/" />
<Link bare label="Disabled" color="positive" disabled href="/" />
The Link can have a border which will match the current text color
<Row gap="large" align="center" padding="large" justify="center">
<Link border bare label="Positive" color="positive" href="/" />
<Link border bare label="Primary" color="primary" href="/" />
<Link border bare label="Negative" color="negative" href="/" />
<Link border bare label="Disabled" color="positive" disabled href="/" />
<Link border bare label="Dark" color="dark" href="/" />
<Link border bare label="Light" color="light" href="/" />